What if we took a step back ?

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master drummer from Poland

What if we took a step back and concentrating on support instead of singular self expression?

When drummers from diverse hand-drumming cultures and practices join an open or unstructured drum circle for the first time, a common question arises: “Why does everyone seem to solo at the same time?”

This question invites a fascinating exploration into the dynamics of group drumming and human interaction.

For many, the chaotic yet vibrant sounds of simultaneous improvisation might seem dissonant compared to the harmonious listening practices they are accustomed to.

It’s understandable that one might wonder why, in this communal space, individuals prioritize their own rhythm over collective harmony.

Even I have pondered this question, and I’ve come to realize that it often stems from our innate human tendency toward ego.

In an age where individuality is celebrated, it can sometimes lead to a disarray that overshadows the very essence of community.

Drummers may subconsciously think, “Don’t tell me what to do, don’t dictate my rhythm; I want to express myself!” This desire for self-expression, while important, can create a disconnect that diminishes that beautiful, shared spirit of the drum circle.

Interestingly, this phenomenon reflects a broader societal trend. Many people find themselves wrapped in their own ‘cocoons’ of experience, often prioritizing personal desires over collective connection.

While individual expression is valuable, there’s something truly magical when we allow ourselves to listen and respond to one another, creating a tapestry of sound that binds us together.

In a drum circle, the spirit of community thrives not just in the beats we play but also in the rhythms we share.

By fostering an environment of mutual respect and open communication, we can transform those solos into a beautiful chorus of voices, each adding to a harmonious whole.

After all, drumming isn’t just about making noise; it’s about connecting with one another, celebrating our unique expressions, and, ultimately, weaving those expressions into a collective experience that resonates with joy and unity.

Michael Pluznick Website