Here are my “top ten” suggestions for maintaining a wonderful vibe, having fun and just plain surviving when drumming at open or large jam sessions.
1. Sit in the groove and lay in the pocket. Always be looking for the groove to lock into. Make this a priority and you will have more fun, deeper connection and your intention will help the overall spirit as well. It may take you a minute to find it and that’s O.K.
2. Don’t compete or get sucked into competition, fighting, playing too fast or playing to hard. Go at a pace that is comfortable for you. Drumming is not a race. Drumming is about unity and love.
3. Allow others to do what they want with out investing in their outcome. If people want to act out, show off or do whatever that is their thing not yours. It is out of your control and we ae not there to control.
4. If you don’t like the session and its not a paying gig or if you are not enjoying yourself, feeling bad or vibes are weird, get up and move. if that does not work,
leave. You can always come back or not.
5. Keep your eyes open at all times. Closing your eyes disconnects you from others and also not a real safe thing to do in groups of people. It’s real easy to get knocked or bumped when it’s dark and there are lots of folks moving about and or dancing.
6. Pay attention. It is so easy to get distracted from what you are doing, to go off into outer space or become mesmerized. However we need to pay attention to several things such as, how hard are are we playing? It sucks to injure yourself because you played too hard or were not paying attention.
7. Don’t be in a rush to play. Be patient. If you lay back and wait a space is going to open. When you first sit down or at a beginning of a jam is when everyone is most energetic. If everyone is scrambling to be heard and overplaying which is usually the case, wait them/it out.
8 . if in doubt, simplify. Play less notes, not more. A great thing to do when the rhythm gets messy is to play singular bass notes.
9. Stay healthy. Take breaks, stretch, bring snacks and hydrate regularly. Maintain proper posture and sit on proper seating.
10. Wear hearing protection.Make sure you can hear yourself and you are not getting blown away from loudness.