I will be teaching an intensive, intermediate to advanced small group djembe and dunun workshop for a limited number of people in Ubud, Bali. We will meet daily and cover some very nice pieces I learned in my travels to Guinee and Mali West Africa such as Mali style Sunu in 4/4 with opening and closing interlude breaks, traditional solo phrases and techniques and dunun arrangements for one or several players. I will be teaching and sharing as much info as you can handle so be prepared. Video taping and audio taping is allowed.

We will work on learning in depth arrangements and also some very cool breaks, too. I will also include some training techniques and basic drumming exercises as well.
Other West African drumming pieces may include Guinee style Kordeguga, Mali Madan, rhythms from the Konwlulen Dununba family and or other pieces depending on who is there and what people want to learn. Let me know if you are interested as there will be limited spots available. Starting on the 9th of January. Djembes will be supplied as will dununs. Everyone will play djembes and switch off on dunun parts as well.
I have been teaching and studying for over 3o years and have also performed with master drummer Bolokada Conde as well as many other famous master drummers from around the world.
The workshop will be at the art studio of Raymond Raush: Regalitos in Ubud phone: 0361 974843 , hp 081236733554