Djembe Course 02: Advanced Beginner

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How To Play Djembe For Advanced Beginners

The goal of this course is to become friends with new rhythms, techniques and exercises. In the last course you learned to make sounds on the drums we will increase your vocabulary and learn some fun compositions. Often in life we might not take to someone at first, only to become close friends later on. In the same way, rhythms can seem strange or even uncomfortable at first but given time and familiarity, you might find them to be new and interesting close friends. And you can never have too many friends!

Yankadi Makru Linjin Flams Kakilambe Basic Part in 4/4 Kakilambe Unison Pa Ti Pa (Slap Tone Slap) Go Do Ma Ma Go Do Pa Pa Diansa on Djembe Diansa on Dunun Basic Solo Moves and Phrases for Beginners I Want Milk and Cookies Bonus: Sokho Rhythm, Basic Bonus: Hand Over Hand Three of the Six Rhythm Families: 4/4, 6/8 and Binary Ternary Yankadi Beginning Solo 66 Useful Hand Patterns Djole Part 1 and 2 Djole Intermediate part 2 Djole Part 3 Call and Response Djembe Solo Practice How To Play Kassa Accompaniment Part 1 Paradiddles for Beginners

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