Where The Rain Is Born

Michael Pluznick "Where The Rian Is Born"

Michael Pluznick Group

Where The Rain Is Born

“Here is a dynamic worldbeat release from this Bay Area percussionist working in partnership with synthesist Peter Scaturro. From evocative, impressionistic dreamscapes to bass-heavy polyrhythmic stomps, this album surprises and engages the listener throughout with its grand-scale synthesizer coloring and dense layers of percussive sounds. The album ends with the superb title track, a neo-African chant in honor of the rain, where his raindrop percussion masterfully builds over the hypnotic lilt of the male and female voices.”

— Backroads Music/Heartbeats

Audio Player
  1. Desert Crossing 0:49
  2. Big Foot 0:43


(Downloads currently unavailable)

  1. Solar Safari
  2. Savannah Dance
  3. Rites Of Passage
  4. The City’s Reflection
  5. Desert Crossing
  6. Time Caravan
  7. Big Foot
  8. Where The Rain Is Born
Michael Pluznick Website