Please acknowledge Your Teachers

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please give an offering to your teacher

In the vibrant realm of communal drumming and dance, there exists a common tendency for participants to see the world through a narrow lens, often failing to appreciate the broader significance of the instructors who play an essential role in this artistic space. This lack of awareness prevents individuals from fully grasping the value of what they are receiving through lessons and guidance.

Recently, I suggested that the organizer of our local drum circle encourage attendees to offer small tokens of appreciation to the guest instructors—such as a cookie, a coffee, or a stick of incense. This simple gesture would not only acknowledge the time and effort that these teachers invest, often without any form of financial compensation, but also help foster a culture of gratitude and respect within the community. Unfortunately, my suggestion was met with significant resistance. The organizer expressed concerns about asking for additional contributions, noting that they already request donations to cover the café venue’s costs.

I clarified that my intention was not to solicit money but rather to encourage a meaningful shift in mindset—one that recognizes the intrinsic value of the teachings being shared. Too often, participants arrive at these gatherings with a sense of entitlement, viewing free lessons as a given rather than a privilege. Many students attend without a drum of their own, borrowing instruments instead, and sometimes neglect to express even a simple thank you to the educators who are imparting their knowledge.

It’s vital to understand that learning about drumming—and the art of dance—is not merely a leisure activity; rather, it involves a profound body of knowledge that requires dedication, study, and practice to master. Acknowledging the effort of our teachers is essential. When individuals contribute small tokens of gratitude, it reinforces the understanding that giving enhances the learning experience. This mutual respect and acknowledgment can profoundly transform the community dynamic.

Cultivating a culture of appreciation not only uplifts teachers but also enriches the learning experience for students. It reinforces the nurturing idea that education—whether in drumming, dance, or any form of art—is a privilege. Each lesson we receive is an opportunity to grow, one that should be honored and respected. By elevating this mindset, we foster a deeper appreciation for the art forms we engage with, creating a more respectful and engaged learning environment.

Ultimately, emphasizing the worth of the lessons we receive enriches our collective experience in the drum and dance community. When we learn to give back, we not only acknowledge the expertise of our guides but also deepen our connection to the art itself, celebrating the joy of learning and the shared journey of creativity.

Michael Pluznick Website