Respecting Our Instruments


Since we’re discussing the importance of respecting our instruments and educating others about recognizing our drums as valuable musical instruments, equal to any other in terms of value be it their contribution to music, or as a physical musical instrument, I wanted to share my drum hat with you.

The other item was my drum case. I’ve noticed that when the drum is out of the case, some people feel entitled to remove the cover and start playing without asking. This can happen in almost any situation, anywhere, it’s really amazing.

Why do people fee entitled to do this? What is it in their thought form that provokes this behavior and where does it come from?

Here’s the main point I’d like to share: Many of us have been influenced by media, educators, and various sources to perceive anything originating from the African continent as simplistic or unworthy.

Unfortunately, this often extends to how drummers and their instruments are viewed. I encourage everyone to reflect on these perceptions and consider where they might stem from.

It’s important to recognize that any drum coming from Africa, Cuba, Brazil or wherever… represents immense skill and craftsmanship, often even more so than many other instruments.

Additionally, there seems to be a misconception that drums—even modern drum sets, congas, djembes, bongo and others—don’t require the same level of study and dedication.

Many people are unaware of the rich history and cultural significance behind these instruments, as well as the intricate compositions and skills that need to be practiced daily.

As a result, it’s common for people to treat drums casually, as if they are simply tables, believing they can just pick them up and start playing. My hope is that we can all appreciate drums for the remarkable instruments they are and give them the respect they deserve.

I always make sure to put this particular hat on my drum whenever I step away, whether it’s to use the bathroom or take a break. What are your thoughts?

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