Space The Final Frontier

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“Space, the final frontier”

What is it about space, that makes us want to put stuff in it? When we are playing music and drumming, why do so many of us completely fill the room with notes?

If you were to listen back to two identical players playing to the same piece, the one who leaves space in between notes is always more interesting.

The ego say’s, “push push, more more, me me”. Space, leaving space and giving space to others is something we have to remind ourselves to do. When we do so it makes for a better experience for everyone. Space, emptiness is the counter balance for action and notes. Together we have tension and release.

If people at jams sessions listened to each other and left space for others to interact it would be so much more interesting and musical then loud people jamming and cramming notes. If everyone is cramming to be heard, we only have tension, and no release. If there is space and sharing then there is release.

You can make a much more effective statement musically speaking by framing your playing, your sentences and phrasing with space. Its the balance of yin and yang.

Think about when someone is talking non stop with out any breaks, it tires us out as a listener and we loose interest if we are not allowed to interact in the conversation.

I welcome your comments and insights on this topic please

Michael Pluznick Website