Unity of the drum-Empowering ourselves and others through music and drumming


Where words fail, drumming speaks.

I am not going to pretend I know anything about politics, policies or what is happening in our or others governments in the world. I know many of my friends, many people are unhappy. However, this post is not about politics and it’s not about “us vs them”. Its aout unifying. It’s about unity. The djembe, for example is about unity. Unity of the drum. It does not see race, colour age or anything else.

I know there are lots of unhappy people out there in the world, not just on Facebook. I also know that it might just be music and drumming that can help us get back on track, to come together and make statements for peace, love and the end of war regardless of how naive this may sound. It was done in the 60’s and early 70’s and now might be the time to do it again.

Weather you know it or not, the drum is a powerful tool for healing and empowerment. If you have a drum, you have been given this tool for a reason. It’s not just random. The drum has chosen you, although our ego often thinks it is us chosing it. The drums, drumming, drum music chooses to be here now, in this day, in this age on our planet to serve as a powerful tool to help us access our own healing as well as to help others as well. If you are reading this then this message is for you! Drumming is mystical, magical and authentic.

If you have put down your instrument(s) now is the time to pick them back up, now is the time to get together with friends, to write songs, to play music, to get out there in organized, creative and fun ways and experience group drumming and musical dynamics. Group spirit and fun! Please share and show the world how there is… and are places we can come together spiritually, creatively no matter our age, sex, race, religion or serial number. Is does not matter what you believe in, we can still share together through music. We can still unite as brothers and sisters on the planet. We can go beyond our differences and pre conceived limitations through drumming, through music. “Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent” (Victor Hugo).

There is so much negativity, there is so much anger. I hear it, I see it every where. We need to counter balance this with the joy of music, the power and soul of drumming. Now is the time to come together. Now is the time to drum for peace. Or drum for fun. Do it with others. I don’t care how much you know or don’t know, who you studied with or how fast or slowly you play or learn. Get out there and drum (or play your instrument)! There is a place for everyone! There is a space for everyone at the drummers table.

Millions of people have watched my Youtube videos and hundreds of thousands (or more) have read my posts all over the world. If we all start focusing on putting out positive messages of peace and unification I am sure, I know we can make a huge difference simply by sharing the positive energy of drumming in our social media.
I am convinced we need to unite, to come together peacefully and forget our differences. We need to play together and we need to do it now. Make videos, record your music and get it out there on the web. Drumming and music is a positive tool for positive change. I am not protesting or talking about politics I am talking about positive energy.

“Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.

Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents” Ludwig van Beethoven.
I dont care who you voted for. We are all on this boat the planet earth together floating through time and space. Lets do it in rhythm and harmony! Let’s make the best of this short time we have left on the planet.
Now is the time for out reach, now is the time for kindness. Don’t wait. Reach out and stretch out!
“Anke Dje Anke Be” means “come to gather in peace “.

The powers that be have forever chosen to create and sponsor separatism. To separate us into different groups or factions through fear tactics and have us believing we are all different and better then others. We are taught to hate and dislike peole different then our selves, our colour or our religions. Separated, we are powerless. United we stand.

Michael Pluznick Website